OMG! That's totally cheesy...
Totally cheesy as in the best thing ever! Totally cheesy has always been a holdover saying of mine since I was that talkative kid getting in trouble in elementary school in the 80's.
Now it's your turn to enjoy some on my totally cheesy gifts!
Thank you for supporting my small business and the independent supplies of our all natural ingredients! 💗
Hi! We're Totally Cheesy!
The only thing serious about our soap, is our commitment to providing a handmade, cruelty-free, environmentally-responsible, artisan soap, because there's nothing funny about the impact commercial so-called-soap has on your skin, mother earth, and her inhabitants.
We (a fun group of misfits) have created a quirky soap makin', gift givin' gift haven for those kindred spirits who, like us, are slightly off their rockers. These folks can be easily spotted in the wild... laughing at their own jokes, gleefully skipping off the beaten path, telling authority figures where to go, and running outside to look for rainbows after a storm. It could be your mom, neighbor, whacky aunt or even better... you!
So, get comfy, pull out an invisible chair, and browse our line of unique and amusing products. Functional, fun, and occasionally rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, they are all made with gift-giving in mind - from our delightfully twisted minds to yours. So, if you're looking for something funny to make you smile (or laugh out loud), you've come to the right place!